A to Z of Sales – ‘Decisions’

It's the small decisions that take you down the right path!

When thinking about how your prospects decide whether or not to purchase, it is really important to think about all the small decisions they need to make before buying.

This applies whether you sell B2C (Business to Consumer) or B2B (Business to Business), everyone who buys anything (even you) has to make a number of mini decisions before getting to the Ultimate Decision of whether to buy or invest.

From personal observation, when my wife sees a dress that she likes, she doesn’t just buy it, she has a number of questions she needs to answer (mini decisions she needs to make).

  • When would she wear it?
  • What does she already own that will go with it?
  • Does the style suit her?
  • What shoes will she need?
  • If it’s for a special occasion, will someone else be wearing the same dress?
  • Is there something better in another store?

All these are mini decisions that need to be answered before we even get to whether it is within our budget.  Think about the mini decisions your prospects may have to make, and provide as many answers as possible in your sales presentation.

Often the unanswered questions are identified as ‘objections’ by salespeople.  But really, if there are any unanswered questions this merely demonstrates gaps in the salesperson’s knowledge of what is important to the prospect.

I was recently asked by a client who had an Automotive Dealership to sit with one of her top salespeople who had suddenly hit a ‘block’ and couldn’t close.  This was unusual as the salesperson in question was known as a top closer.  We had recruited her without knowledge or experience, taken her through our induction process, given her the product knowledge required and the sales techniques to help prospects buy, and she was one of the brightest salespeople in the business.

After sitting down with Reyannah (the lady in question) it very quickly became obvious that whilst the symptoms were; she wasn’t closing, the real issue was that she was rushing the discovery phase and wasn’t helping her customers make all the smaller decisions leading up to the Sale.  Once we had identified this, and taken the appropriate action, her closing rate returned to normal and she shot back to the top of the sales leader board.

Helping prospects to make all the smaller Decisions is the key to closing more sales, more often.

List THREE decisions your prospects must make before deciding to buy…




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Warm regards,


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